draezl;22155 wrote:But with your AI, maximizing the calculate numbers basically gives the bot more resurces to calculate all the different kind of possible moves before deciding whats the best one? Or are there any downsides to maximize the numbers even if you have a powerful PC?
In general:
higher values = higher think time
More detail:
Hard to tell without any knowledge of the bots code.
The time for one calculation depends mainly on your CPU speed and the number of calculations per time depend on the number of cores (if the AI supports multi-threading). The RAM is used to store the moves and some kind of gain related to each move.
Increasing the boards to calculate increases the chance to find the optimal move but also increases the total evaluation time.
Too large numbers may lead to an unfinished evaluation of the given possibilities at the end of your turn, which may lead to non-optimal moves.
But again, hard to answer without a look at the bot's sourcecode. There may be emergency mechanisms to prevent this.