I have 3 mana, on the bord gthere is a 8/4 minion and the bot doesn't cast frost bolt on it, why?
17:38:36:INFO::All Row = [0] all rules successfully loaded. Mulligan rules:37 Gameplay rules:216
17:38:36:INFO::GamePlayRule Row = [0] other matched rules:
17:38:36:INFO::GamePlayRule Row = [27] Any Card - enemy minions number<4 && my battlefield minions number>3
17:38:36:INFO::GamePlayRule Row = [110] Fireblast - one of enemy minions with $health<=3
17:38:36:INFO::GamePlayRule Row = [116] Acolyte of Pain - my hand card number<5
17:38:36:INFO::GamePlayRule Row = [135] Frostbolt - one of enemy minions with $health<=4 && this minion with $health>=2
17:38:36:INFO::GamePlayRule Row = [136] Frostbolt - one of enemy minions with $health>=3 and $attack>=3
17:38:37:INFO::GamePlayRule Row = [137] Frostbolt - one of enemy minions with $attack>=6
17:38:37:INFO::GamePlayRule Row = [0] bot paused, click [Continue] to resume, or [Reload] to reload rules and re-calculate.
17:38:43:INFO::GamePlayRule Row = [0] bot resumed.