Yoin;21281 wrote:I never play with Holy Light (I am a aggro player ;) ). Could you tell me "when" and "how" you play with that card and I will add that rules to this file. If you have more cards, you can post them as well.
Holy Light can be used to save ones life for another turn, before pulling into a board flip, such as Equality + Pyro.
For the bot, best time to use it would be under the condition of having two(2) leftover mana (that is not devoted to the hero power) and either the Hero or an ally minion on field has 6 or more health missing.
- Albeit that's just a rough setting, for maximum value. At least this way it won't outright ignore the card and never play it.
For a list of basic cards..
Since there are a
plethora of Basic cards and decks that can be used, I'll give you a single deck right now.
Here is a Pure-Basic priest I've been using, as well as a run-down on generic card usage/utility.
(if it is not already apparent, I enjoy using gimmick decks, such as pure basic)
Holy Smite(1) - Control
Useful for needing that 2 extra damage on a minion to wipe them out, lethal on the enemies face when combo'd for burst, or to sustain early game presence to drop it on a knife juggler or other high value early game threats.
Mulligan: Hold
Power Word: Shield(2) - Control
Card draw power and good to drop for positive trades, which allow to heal the minions afterward for further value.
Can be combo'd with Divine Spirit on Taunts, to easily gain High health minions, such as a 3/14 Sen'Jin Shieldmasta.
Mulligan: Pass, unless a one(1) or two(2) drop minion is held in hand, in which case hold one(1)
Northshire Cleric(2) - Draw
Draw power, utility due to the fact that so many classes can easily drop 3 damage onto it. Viable to play on turn one(1) versus a paladin.
Mulligan: Pass, unless the enemy is a paladin, in which case hold one(1)
Divine Spirit(2) - Control
Minion health control for positive trades and value. For running high health on vital targets. Best to use on a minion with 5 or more health, preferably when they are undamaged, since it only doubles current health.
Can be combo'd with Power Word: Shield on Taunts, to easily gain High health minions, such as a 3/14 Sen'Jin Shieldmasta.
Mulligan: Pass
Mind Blast(1) - Finisher
The only reason this card is in this deck, is to be used on the final turn as a low cost, two(2) mana card which is converted into five(5) damage burst. It can bring a close to those games where your opponent is holding on with five(5) or less life behind a taunt wall, or in conjunction with natural damage, to end a game a turn earlier.
Mulligan: Pass
Shadow Word: Pain(1) - Control
For early game control very heavy threats such as Knife jugglers. It can also be used versus Deathlords, Maexxna or taunts with three(3) attack.
Mulligan: Hold
Acidic Swamp Ooze(2) - Minion
Viable for removing enemy weapons, more importantly it's a body on the field. It should be played as a normal 2 drop minion, unless in a scenario where you hold another minion in hand that can be played effectively. Bloodfen Raptor is always a better play on a blank board, while Ooze shall be better on a board with a weapon.
Mulligan: Hold(2)
Bloodfen Raptor(2) - Minion
Early game minion to start your game with, if you have no early game, most decks can simply run you over.
Mulligan: Hold(2)
River Crocolisk(2) - Minion
Early game minion to start your game with, if you have no early game, most decks can simply run you over. Since this minion has more than two(2) health, it can gain full benefit from the priest hero power.
Mulligan: Hold(2)
Shadow Word: Death(2) - Control
To remove high attack enemies from the field. Also viable after a Mind Control turn, if you steal a Sylvanas, to peg your own unit for a second mind control.
Early game minion to start your game with, if you have no early game, most decks can simply run you over.
Mulligan: Pass
Ironfur Grizzly(2) - Minion
Early game minion to start your game with, if you have no early game, most decks can simply run you over. Since this minion has more than two(2) health, it can gain full benefit from the priest hero power. It is also good to note that a Power Word: Shield can be used to make it a Pseudo Sen'jin Shieldmasta.
Mulligan: Hold(2)
Shattered Sun Cleric(1) - Control
Use this to buff a single unit with +1/+1 for a bonus burst of 1 damage or surviving a trade with 1 health. It can also be said it is a 4/3 for three(3) mana that has a battlecry of deal 1 damage, as long as a minion is in play. A good curve to climb up with, after playing a two(2) drop. It can also be used versus another priest to control attack values of ally minions to buff them into the 4 attack range, a Sen'jin Shieldmasta could become a 4/6 to protect it from Shadow Word: Pain.
Mulligan: Pass, unless a minion is held in hand
Chillwind Yeti(2) - Minion
A solid four(4) drop that has good stats for its cost and can trade and be healed efficiently.
It is good to note that this minion has at least 5 health and is a viable candidate for Divine Spirit.
Mulligan: Pass
Sen'jin Shieldmasta(2) - Minion
This is the Main Taunt you will want to buff up to secure yourself. It's possible to play naked, but preferable to buff its health to at least 7.
Mulligan: Pass
Holy Nova(2) - Control
Multi-Essential board wipe or healing to use to your advantage. If the an enemy minion has 6 or more attack, it's viable to use Holy Nova to finish it off if it is within kill range, even if it is alone. Such as an enemy Kel'Thuzad slammed with your Boulderfist Ogre. Drop that Holy Nova to finish it and start to heal your Boulderfist Ogre back up.
Mulligan: Pass
Boulderfist Ogre(2) - Minion
A late-game minion, that can be buffed well beyond normal burn range with a single Divine Spirit. Good stats for cost, trades well and heals efficiently.
Due to being a 6/7, it will not die to Big Game Hunter.
Mulligan: Pass
Stormwind Champion(1) - Control
A constant board buff while in effect, this is a "win-more" card type. Best when you want to suddenly burst with extra damage based on how many minions you have on board, as well as let minions survive a trade. In the worst case scenario, it's a 6/6 body on field, which is still useful.
Due to being a 6/6, it will not die to Big Game Hunter.
Mulligan: Pass
Mind Control(1) - Control
A late-game bomb switch, where you can steal an enemy legendary, heavy minion or taunts to press damage for a burst down. Only useful if the enemy has a heavy in play or taunt you need to bypass.
Mulligan: Pass
A total of fourteen(14) cards in this deck are viable to mulligan for, which gives a good chance for playing a card on turn two(2).
Take note, this is a Pure-Basic deck and can easily be overwhelmed by higher-value cards that can be crafted.
Only use this deck in the early stages of an account.
(or if you are quirky like me, play it for some fun)If you have any questions about how this deck plays out, feel free to ask.
If you have an
suggestions for it.. Be sure to keep those suggestions to purely
basic cards to swap in.
Otherwise, feel free to swap in some obvious improvements, such as Amani Berzerkers instead of River Crocolisks.