So I just finished letting the bot run its first arena as of its this is what it drafted
Bots draft
for t he most part the bot picked what I expected it would, some were iffy though such as the triple innervate which it didn't look like it knew how to use correctly. That was not the weird part though, the bot did this a few games but this hand stuck out to me at the time.
Mulligan hand that caused the weird behavior
-sorry for the different sized images don't know how to adjust them using BBC
So what happened was it X'd all three cards out.
Boulderfist ogre Innervate Frostwolf WarlordThen it randomly and unselects the two 5 and 6 cost cards and ends the mulligan
Boulderfist ogre
Innervate Frostwolf Warlord
Boulderfist ogre
New card Frostwolf Warlord
//precedes to lose because of horrible curve