I did a new installation of the bot on a 64-bit Windows computer. I manually unblocked all of the files since that function no longer works using Hearthranger_Init_Helper.exe (it crashes when you try that).
I used windows powershell to unblock the files: 'get-childitem "hearthranger folder" -recurse | unblock-file'.
I then ran Hearthranger_Init_Helper.exe (as admin) without unblocking the files, but doing everything else.
Afterwards I started Hearthstone and Hearthranger (as admin).
Hearthranger doesn't connect to Hearthstone on this computer:

This is the log-file in the task_log directory:
17:13:01:INFO::loading data...11%
17:13:02:INFO::loading data...22%
17:13:03:INFO::loading data...33%
17:13:04:INFO::loading data...44%
17:13:05:INFO::loading data...55%
17:13:06:INFO::loading data...66%
17:13:07:INFO::loading data...77%
17:13:08:INFO::loading data...88%
17:13:09:INFO::loading data...100%
17:16:46:INFO::Checking game environment..
17:16:46:INFO::Please wait 23 seconds for game client initialization.
17:17:19:INFO::Checking game environment..
17:17:19:INFO::loading data...
17:17:19:INFO::data loaded.
Could you please help me with this?