After I was firewalled from the site because of failed login attempts, (and then unblocked) the bot continues to fail on all my computers that I try to use.
I will attempt to provide as much information as I can here.
Starting with a fresh download and unzipping the file
Attempting to delete the files in the first directory, did not allow me to delete boot.dll because it said it was still running
I created a new folder and unzipped the download
I run the application as an administrator, and select run anyway
I am now on hearthranger initialize setup wizard, I click next, and I then set up the path for hearthstone
I click next, and I am now at setup hearthranger bot account, and I log into my account I am posting from, clicking next
I click to unblock all files automatically and click next
I click next on the final instructions
An image of the ui that shows up can be found here, start is greyed out and it reads "Server not ready, restart to try again"
see :
If I close this window, and again run the application as an admin, it loads the usual ui as seen here
Clciking edit task causes the ui to read loading data, please wait
Clicking the play button turns the text "Hearthranger - bot for hearthstone" to a green text, and reads checking game environment, and does nothing. Clicking this wthout hearthstone running yields the message: Please start game.
Finally, clicking build desk stps the bot, and gives a pop-up that says Login failed - ERR_FAIL
as seen here:
I have also tried restarting my pc, and using other computers, but none of them can run the bot
I would like to say that they ran fine for 20 days before I failed my login on the forums too many times and got firewalled
Further edit: I have now taken a brand new computer that I purchased for my father today, clean installed hearthstone and hearthranger, and I get the same errors. This is now from 5 devices I have tried and gotten the same errors, so I do not believe it to be any form of .NET framework issue
EDIT: I CAN NOW CONFIRM THAT IT MUST BE AN IP RELATED ISSUE, ALL OF MY LAPTOPS ARE ABLE TO RUN THE BOT IF I USE MY PHONE AS A MOBILE HOTSPOT. This means there is no firewalls, anti-virus, or other computer related issues.
Further information: If I open hearthranger while connected to my mobile IP, then reconnect to my router, I am still able to go to the task editor successfully, however, attempting to press play on the bot gives
Checking game environment
Login binding server...
Login Failed: ERR_FAIL
Bot stopped
as seen here
I really hope this helps, my ISP could not change my IP address for me, although I may try to factory reset my router and disconnect my modem during IP leashing to try to get a new one :( I hope I dont have to do that though