Live aggro deck, with Silver.dll literally got me to rank 10, with a 62% win rate.
its not the best against priest at the moment. couple of times i had to take over to win it. Needs a better algorithm but did not fully monitor to know what needs to change..if you guys can help improve, i think we will have a winner here. Cheap and effective
Playing at the right time made it possible. I am on EU server.
From Experience when playing on Rank
Play between 4am to 6am and 9:30am to 4pm max... dont play outside this you'll get destroyed. you will win some no question...but don't expect to rank up.
it has an 85% win rate on casual with concede if won.
Have a go at it.
Trying to get to rank 5 now and praying.
Innervate × 2
Enchanted Raven × 2
Mark of the Lotus × 2
Mark of Y'Shaarj × 2
Power of the Wild × 2
Savage Roar × 2
Swipe × 1
Living Mana × 2
Bloodsail Corsair × 2
Fire Fly × 2
Hungry Crab × 2
Patches the Pirate × 1
Golakka Crawler × 2
Pantry Spider × 2
Vicious Fledgling × 2
Bittertide Hydra × 2
Here is the Link just incase i missed something on the deck lists