There are a few misplays surrounding adapt cards and I'm hoping I can give an insight of how to improve them.
Vicious fledgling.
One of the most powerful cards if adapt is used properly, but it seems to adapt taunt half the time because the bot seems like it highly values going face and protecting minions behind a taunt. It also doesn't insta pick windfury to give it a second adapt either. A suggestion for the adapt setting for this card would be something like; giving the highest value to adapt windfury, and then find whether theres a windfury minion on board, if there is, then don't adapt windfury again. Also, it seems to pick poisonous and the deathrattle a lot more than it picks attack and health buffs even though its the only minion on board and its most likely going to hit face most of the time.
Crackling Razormaw
This card also values taunt buffs, and also has the problem of adapting after the minion attacks. What i see is that if it adapts after the minion attacks, it most likely gives it taunt rather than anything else, but when it buffs before it attacks, it usually gives something like an attack buff.