ScriptX;50441 wrote:I noticed Token shaman and Aggro Pally deck playing its combo even though enemy has a doomsayer in place...
Should make it somehow to skip turn if it cannot kill it rather then playing all cards in a useless way.
I've reported this misplay a LOT of times. It doesn't matter what deck you are playing the bot will screw up the play when a DoomSayer is on the board. I've seen it do all kinds of stupid plays. Most of the time depleting your hand and losing the game in one turn. Joy if you are reading in next update if you could have bot do a check when doomsayer is down if it can kill it or not that would be great because bot always screws up that play. it doesn't matter the deck. Pirate warrior, secret mage, hunter, pally I've watched them all screw the doomsayer play. If I'm in the room and I see one hit the board I immediately hit pause and manually play the turn.