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Posts: 44  Location: Sofia, Bulgaria Thanks: 19 times Was thanked: 53 time(s) in 13 post(s)
Hello guys. I decided to make this thread because lately there is a big disscusion on this matter and I see that a lot of new users don't have any idea of how to bot properly. 101 How To Bot SafelyRule Number ONE - there is no 100 % safety ... if you make love to your account, one day you may get hearthbroken !Apart from that, there a lot of ways you can minimize beeing detected as a "cheater". Some General strategies :1. Decide what you want to do - farm gold, portraits or climb ladder. The first two are FAR more safely than the second. The reason is the higher the bot climbs the more experienced players it is facing, who are able to recognize it as bot easier. My advice is to stay away from the climbing ladder at all.2. Time spend botting should be optimal to stay low on the radar. Blizz doesn't measure session lengths because there are real players that play for days. But just for precaution, I would stay as low as 8 hours per day.3. Daily gold and quest. When it comes to daily quests and gold it is ok to skip a day or two in the month. Don't take every single piece of gold for 6 months straight! Let the bot win 26 games one day, not 30. Take 80-90 gold instead of 100 some days. This way you are more inconsistent - so lower on their radar. Imagine that you got reported as a bot. Then someone at blizzard is inspecting your account. They see that every day you play for 10 hours for example and every single day you are earning 100 gold then stop. And this is for the past 5-6 months. You are going to be marked as bot more easily.4. Don't add friends to your friend list and random people. Have only people who you can trust. If you add 3-4 of your friends and you didn't tell them that you bot, what will happen when they see you play for 10 hours a day? Probably some of them will be willing to report you, just because they believe in greater good. Botting is like steroids - everyone that is taking them denies! Be smart about it. Another thing you can do if you already have friends is to set battle net launcher to away/DND and to remove the option for friends to spectate your games.5. Rotate decks ! Don't play over and over again with a single deck.6. Be careful when and how to run the top bot deck (like wild pirate warrior). If the whole community is running the same deck it is easier to be spot (as recent events shown) Sometimes it is safer not to go with the herd.7.Learn how to use some of the built-in HearthRanger features !!! to avoid beeing seen as a botThose are my settings and why I chose you use them :Learn how to use queues! This is important in my opinion for not beeing consistent with a deck. For example below. I have set 3 queues with 3 different decks. You can lower the win rate % if desired. This way I can farm gold with not only one character and deck. Of course if you have only botting decks you can just set "Use Random Deck" The AUTO CONCEDE options.Depending on the deck you play you can make smart auto concede options for your bot to follow. Lets analize the example below : 1) I have set the bot to concede if the opponent has lethal (I know it is somehow bugged and sometimes it can concede even when YOU have lethal, but better to lose one game then be recognized as bot) Why is this option necessary? There are some players at lower ranks that will even fatigue the bot to the point where he can't win and just stays in the game looking dump. Then they will report you because they have decided that you are a bot. Our aim is to minimize the reports ! 2) I like to concede during first turn. This way it is not that obvious.You mulligan .. see your starting hand and decides to concede (more natural aproach). 3) I'm running to concede if my HP are below 5 and the opponent's hp 25 or above. If bot have lost so hard so far it is going to be hard for him to got back into the game. Again ... better to lose a game or two then, to be banned. 4) Depending on the deck I use the option for the bot to concede if he has played more then 25 turns. If you play pirate warrior you can set this to 15 or something. In my experience, if the bot plays more then 20 turns it is pretty much going to be a lost (especially with all that viable aggro decks that he is useing lately) Bot Control Options !Those are the options that will mimic real player. 1) Maximum random time between actions is set to 1 second and a half (1500ms). I use this so that the bot looks more inconsistent with its timing. You can lower or higher this setting as you wish. Just watch out for ropeing if you increase it too much. 2) Showing mouse movement path is MENDATORY. I use mouse speed 75 so that is more visible. 3) Mouse hovering frequency is set to 25. Bot will point at random cards when waiting for his turn. Just like a real person. 4) Never reply to opponent's emotes - otherwise someone will start spamming emotes when he thinks that you are bot, and the bot will always response. 5) Decline all friends invitation - MENDATORY. Most of the time when someone wants to adds you as a friend after the bot have played is because he THINKS that you are a bot. When doing so you will reveal your ID to him, and will be an easy target for reporting. Remember - your display name is not your ID, and it is difficult to be reported only by it. How to farm golden heroes : 1. Find a deck that has a decent win rate at rank 20 (<50%) 2. In auto concede options set to concede if last game won. 3. Repeat until you have your golden hero  Example at rank 20 with most BASIC mage DECK (And when I say MOST basic, I mean MOST BASIC)  Hope this helps. If someone has more tips I'll be glad to add them to the guide. Cheers,
16 users thanked NightlyKnight for this useful post.
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