whatnosori;47588 wrote:yep, this works with latest patch
It should read "Vision a.i. beta" ver if you want to test beta on UG... not 7.1.1
Also, the beta client is spamming 12:24:22 PM:DEBUG::calc CPUs force stopping.
12:24:22 PM:INFO::botplayer internal error: Unable to cast object of type 'visionai.cards.SpellCard' to type 'visionai.cards.SecretCard'.
When a Quest is in play. Apparently, it's not casting these right or something.. my best guess. Doesn't function at all with one of these in play and auto discards them at the beginning which is game breaking for this expansion since those are meant to always start in your hand. With Warlock discard easily being one of the new meta decks and heavily relying on this card.. this can be an issue. Not to mention 90% of the game pop is running a quest in their deck at the moment.