For starters let me say I'm not a paying customer, what I do I do with the two hours daily free trial.
I've tried climbing the ladder with one exact pr5 deck and one with just a few cards missing.
I usually put it to work when I get to sleep everyday, about 9:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. GMT (Where I live it's GMT +2 so 11:p.m. - ...)
I mostly try to climb with dre's hunter because it's the only full deck I can make.
The bot is always stuck at 16-15 rank.
Because I put it to work at those hours I rarely watch it closely to determine if it ropes a lot. I think you can check the logs to see if it roped, I haven't seen much roping in the logs if that is so.
This is the setup of my files to use dre's settings
Silverfish shows it correctly reads them because I have no _mulligan or _combo files in the default silverfish folder
This shows some of my collected statistics on the deck showing a winrate lower than 50%
These are my pc's specs, in case you may believe these make botting unusable, I have used the bot on other pcs and got slightly better results
Is there something else I may be doing wrong?
Is it just because I need to let it run for much longer?
Is it because I'm using the free trial?