Without mulligan rules and Thalnos/portal and Transform combo (bot uses master of evolution on a clear board so it's a waste of his trait, how to program it on combo?) I Can get to 13 on HR with Silver.dll in this season so it's quite good but without mulligan and combos he missplays so much >.> Pls help, here's whai I wanted to use but somehow i Can't get it working.
Warrior - Keep Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Feral Spirit, Tuskarr Totemic. If you have some early cards you may keep rockbiter weapon and lightning bolt. If you have lightning bolt you may keep Bloodmage Thalnos.
Druid - Keep Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Feral Spirit, Tuskarr Totemic and Maelstrom Portal. If you have portal you may keep Bloodmage Thalnos.
Shaman - Mulligan same as warrior. Keep Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Feral Spirit, Tuskarr Totemic. If you have some early cards you may keep rockbiter weapon and lightning bolt. If you have lightning bolt or portal you may keep Bloodmage Thalnos.
Warlock - Same as druid. Keep Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Feral Spirit, and Maelstrom Portal. If you have portal you may keep Bloodmage Thalnos. You may keep both portals if you will have them in starting hand.
Hunter - Keep Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Feral Spirit, Tuskarr Totemic. You can keep small removals and Maelstrom Portal or even Hex if your hand is already good.
Rogue - Keep Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Feral Spirit, Tuskarr Totemic. It's an equal game. Press them as you can, but usually don't just drop your 7/7 turn 4. Feel free to hex their 5/4.
Mage - Keep all of your 1-3 mana cards except hex, but only one 1-mana removal. Game with tempomage is favourable to us if you could destroy their 2-health minions board. Press them in mid game with your strong cards and they will run out of steam.
Paladin - Keep Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Feral Spirit, Tuskarr Totemic and Maelstrom Portal.
Priest - Keep Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Feral Spirit, Tuskarr Totemic, Hex.
And how to write combo that the silver won't use Thalnos without intent to use some spells? And how to prevent usage of Master of Evolution on a clear board?