Turn 3/3 plays discover card and choses Malygos, there is no spellpower in the deck - chromagus was a better choice. This is no real misplay. But more a request. can u make minus values possible in _discovery.txt ?. So i can make a list of cards to never choose.
Sorry if this is allready possible and i missed it somewhere...
A better way for discovery would be to give accual value increase / decrease to cards. Instread of just a number of order. That way you dont have to list every possible card. For example:
Bot can chose from card A. B and C. Base values (made in the AI, i guess there allready are these numbers for the pick now) for card A = 19, B = 24, and C = 12.
Bot will chose card B.
In the discovery file however i want card C to be favoured over card A but not over card B. So i can add:
Card_C,8;all;allSo now the base value for C = 12 + 8 = 20. So it will chose it over card A, but in this case still choses
Card BIf for example i want to lower the value of card B i can add:
Card_B,-6;all;allThe base of card B is now 24 - 6 = 18. And it will chose
Card A in that case. Or When i combine
Card_B,-6;all;all The base values become. A=19, B=24-6=18, C=12+8=20 So it choses
Card C.
Since discovery is a very big theme now I think we need such a solution to make those decks succesfull. It would be ideal if in this solution the basevalues would be avalible somewhere on giftub, but i guess they also changed based on the situation on the board, same with cardvalues. So it totaly fine with me to just put on the numbers due testing same as I do with the cardvalues now.
So what iam asking for is basicly a cardvalue-system for the discovery mechanic.