Since I started using HearthRanger, I had always used silverfish and currently silverfish doesn't work on the WOTOG patch, I had never once turn on auto concede as I feel it makes people feel suspicious on botting, therefore daily I would just bot for 30 games of win without conceding at all.
Currently, I'm having problems as all the decks that I'm building and sampling around with default AI all has very low win rate up to 10-30% only (unranked) whether its standard or wild.
Does anyone has good win rate decks that the default AI can play well? Because as far as I see, the default AI does a lot of mistakes and plays very badly for me even if I try to build decks without combos.
Any experienced default AI botters know what decks they are able to play well or better with higher win rate maybe up to 40-50%?
Thank you in advance.