Hi, I'm pretty new here, I've been trying the bot for a while, and I'd like to say great job, I hope you keep up the good work.
That aside, I am a F2P hearthstone player, so I may not have ideal decks for the bot to use, however, ever since the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion, the AI has been messing up more than usual. I played a simple C'Thun mage deck on casual using the cards I got from the first 8 packs, I wanted to fulfill the win 7 games quest, and I managed to do so in 9 games, meaning 7 wins 2 losses, which is pretty good, after getting the packs, I improved on the deck and fed it to the bot, needless to say I was shocked that it won 0 out of 5 matches using that deck. I know that the AI isn't quite finely tuned enough to deal with the new cards, so I was wondering what's the best way to present misplays to the bot creator.
I was wondering if I could record a few games and reduce them to a misplay compilation, then upload them unlisted on youtube or a file sharing website or something, or do I just post screenshots here explaining what happened, or is there a log file the bot can produce that I could post here, I would very much like to shed some light on these problems.
Thanks in advance and keep it up!