it seems like even in HR version Druid still has a lot of bug to be fixed...
I know that hero power just armor up and don't attack early turns but please at least give priority to
Innervate + Wild Growth turn 1.
I'm using latest Silverfish so i don't know if this is due to it or just HR.
Hope someone will look forward for it
Thanks in advance!
PS: or else, is there someone who can post down here some txt lines to add to combo.txt to give this "action" lot of penalty to not let HR do that at least?
I'm actually testing this in combo too:
// [Nudge] [0]Innervate(EX1_169) + [3]Shade of Naxxramas(FP1_005)
Is it allright?
Thanks again.
Please, don't answer things like "don't worry druid class will be dead next month" or something like that because this has nothing to do with druid cards nerfs out these days...thanks.