So i tried many setups with secret Palla.
And the best results so far i made with this deck (Rank 7 EU 15.01.2016):
*Im trying to setup it with Ragnaros instead of Loatheb but im not sure if i know how to do this.
MulliganSettingsCombo BlackOak
The issues with that deck are:
Sometimes bot miss the turn (idle msg and no response from Silver) Idk if its hardware (boting at i72670qm laptop)
Sometimes (like 10% of cases) bot is playing SecreetKeeper after Secret ~but in very few cases.
Now im waiting before run the bot again because the ban wave*.
So if someone know how to setup Ragna and fix the missing turn issue, let me know im pretty sure that this deck can hit like Rank 1~2 at the end of season.