No it does not compile.
For example:
The project file includes
penalties/Pen_Ex_016t.cs, same goes for Pen_NEW1_006.cs
Also there are loads of cards in the /cards folder that is not a part of the project.
All Sim_* files are not included, so CardDB.cs does not compile.
Helperfunction.cs is not located in the ai folder...
Seems like Handmanager.setHandcards now takes 4 arguments and not 3
Same goes for setBestMoves, which now takes 3 instead of two
I can fix all this.
But I'm not 100% sure I did it all correctly, for example should I create a Pen_Ex_016t.cs or should it be removed?
And if I create it, what values should be returned?
I mean I belive you have a project that compiles, so it shouldn't be that hard to update the files within the ZIP file so it compiles.
The other option ofcourse is that I don't get the instructions.
But it's like 3 lines of instructions so I have to read between the lines.