enfacehp = 15; // hp of enemy when your hero is allowed to attack the enemy face with his weapon
maxwide = 5000; // numer of boards which are taken to the next deep-lvl
twotsamount = 1000; // number of boards where the next turn is simulated
simEnemySecondTurn = true; // if he simulates the next players-turn, he also simulates the enemys respons
playarround = false; //play around some enemys aoe-spells?
playaroundprob = 50; //probability where the enemy plays the aoe-spell, but your minions will not die through it
playaroundprob2 = 80; // probability where the enemy plays the aoe-spell, and your minions can die!
enemyTurnMaxWide = 40; // bords calculated in enemys-first-turn in first AI step (lower than enemySecondTurnMaxWide)
enemyTurnMaxWideSecondTime = 200; // bords calculated in enemys-first-turn BUT in the second AI step (higher than enemyTurnMaxWide)
enemySecondTurnMaxWide = 40; // number of enemy-board calculated in enemys second TURN
nextTurnDeep = 6; //maximum combo-deep in your second turn (dont change this!)
nextTurnMaxWide = 20; //maximum boards calculated in one second-turn-"combo-step"
nextTurnTotalBoards = 200;//maximum boards calculated in second turn simulation
useSecretsPlayArround = false; // playing arround enemys secrets
alpha = 50; // weight of the second turn in calculation (0<= alpha <= 100)
simulatePlacement = true; // set this true, and ai will simulate all placements, whether you have a alpha/flametongue/argus
useExternalProcess = false; // use silver.exe for calculations a lot faster than turning it off (true = recomended)
passiveWaiting = false; // process will wait passive for silver.exe to finish
behave = control; // select the behavoir of the ai: control, rush or mana (very experimental)
So the above is the default text from the settings file.
Some of the settings are painfully clear but others I'm a little confused/unclear about.
maxwide - the number of simulated end turn states the player/bot considers before choosing action?
twotsamount - the number of those end turns (maxwide) that then go on to have your opponent's possible counters simulated?
simEnemySecondTurn - should the bot think two moves ahead?
playarround - try and avoid enemy aoe cards, maybe limits stacking so many cards at one time?
playroundprob(2) - dont know where theres numbers come from, is it saying theres a 50/80% chance each turn the opp will play an aoe card?
enemyTurnMaxWide = same as maxwide but for opp?
enemyTurnMaxWideSecondTime = not really sure about the "in the second AI step" part?
enemySecondTurnMaxWide = same as enemyturnmaxwide but for second move if selected using simEnemySecondTurn=true?
nextTurnDeep = dont really get this? but it does say dont change it so i guess no matter :)
nextTurnMaxWide = same as maxwide but for the second simulated turn using simEnemySecondTurn=true?
useSecretsPlayArround = play moves maybe in different order to best bate traps out?
alpha = how much the outcomes of the second simulated turn affect which play to make in the first turn?
simulatePlacement = speaks for itself, try all combos of placement for best results?
useExternalProcess = use silverfish.exe or not for thinking (don't know why this is faster native code? but nm)
passiveWaiting = wait for silver.exe to finish before moving on - i dont get this because how can you do anything else but wait?
behave = tell the ai what style of deck your playing to help with decision making.
So sorry for the long post but the setting that really prompted me to post this was passiveWaiting if someone could explain that.
I'm also thinking why 'we' dont have the simulated enemy turns higher to match simulated player turns.
I've bolded the settings that I would really appreciate help with (if I got any other the other wrong please shout) and hopefully it will help others too.