Originally Posted by: Vick Nan 
So, what would you consider perfectly trustable? I've understood that VT is pretty much the internet standard, but have not done any research in this subject per se. Never had to go much further.
My take is that with software like this the only option is to at some point decide if you trust it or not, as it has those characteristics which easily can be frowned upon (injecting, automated executes, macros, obscure encryptions, whatnot) and then just go with it. And ofcourse see what possible gain would be had from defaulting. HR is very niche and isn't even out of beta, to a very popular game with tournaments, 100k prizes and shit, only a fool would piss away a situation like this. I guess I'm trying to say that in my experience common sense is the best AV. What I'm NOT trying to say is "be less safe".
Anyway, I'm still very interested in what someone else do think is perfectly trustable.
The €0.02 to the pile, from me.
I appreciate your two cents.
I wouldn't consider anything perfectly trustable. Though, there is a forum where staff goes through the uploaded forums, before the files are made available for download. They don't really approve files that have tough encryptions. That site I would deem pretty safe. Of course they just as well could be distributing malware there, but I would doubt that.
If anyone got the idea that I'm saying that JoyAdmin shouldn't be trusted, I wouldn't say that.
Which is weird, though, is the fact that if I download the version 4.1.0 again and try to update through the Launcher, Avast does the same thing again.
You can try this by yourself by downloading the version 4.1.0 from here:
At this exact moment I can't reproduce this because the launcher gives me this error message "Server not ready."