Hi guys !
I'm back with a another new tool to easily manage the settings of the different characters ! This tool is created with respect to
Blackoak's work, he is initiator of this project :)
The principle is to create your profile(s) for different characters with
_mulligan.txt and
_combo.txt files then the tool will automatically copy them to Silver directory and finally close/run HearthRanger & Silver to take the new values !
The advantage to have profile(s) for your class is that Silver will calculate faster because you have less lines/values in your settings file (_mulligan.txt and _combo.txt). I hope you will share your profile(s) with the community and perhaps that will improve the bot/silver as well as helping users to climb the ranks.
Please report any problems or your feedback here in this thread and any feature requests (if i can answer it of course).
Here is the steps to follow :
- Download the last version of AutoSwitchClass.
- Unzip the downloaded file (where you want).
- Create a subdirectory for example ..\WhereYouUnzipFile\Data\Paladin\Secredin and copy in it your settings files (settings.txt, _mulligan.txt and _combo.txt).
- Launch AutoSwitchClass.exe (it needs admin privileges for restarting HR/SF)
- Click on the menu (top lest) and set the directory of HR + Silver.
- Select your class with the "radio button" then your profile and push the "Done" button.
- Enjoy it !
Features :- Randomize name of the tool
- Check for BlackOak's Data and extract them
- Copy your profil(s) to Silver directory
- Auto close/run HearthRanger.exe + Silver.exe
- Backup & Restore your current settings
- Set default settings (from BlackOak "used for Arena")
- New Data's from Valorion thread
- ChangeLog
- Support Windows 8 x64.
Changelog :v.1.2: Fix minor bug (radio selector hunter) // Thanks to Sunblood
v.1.1: New decks + settings from
Project : NextGen - [Experimental HR Community Project] - [Advanced Botting] topic !! (Thanks to Valorion - Dre and all contributors)
ChangeLog added to the tool
Auto update data from Valorion & BlackOak threads
v.1.0: Disable Check Update at run
v.0.9: Add function to restore backup settings / Fix bugs
v.0.8: Add routine to verify if silver.exe & HR.exe exist / Copy only needed files
v.0.7: Randomize name of ASC (request by BlackOak)
v.0.6: Check update for BlackOak's Data - Default Settings from BlackOak - Fix bugs
v.0.5: Little fix.
v.0.4: First Build !
Screenshots :
Download Section :>>> AutoSwitchClass v.1.2 <<<______________________________________________________________________________________
If this tool help you please click the
Thank you for using this tool and have a good game !
Best regards.