We are allready testing Dragon-Priest among different other.
See the Project Legendary topic aswell as the mulligan and combo post.
Oak's Mulligan.txt has not only dragonpriest, but serval others like secretpaladin, zoolock, mechwarrior, hunter etc.
If you want to use dragonpriest for laddering i recomment using the deck posted in that post, aswell as Oak's mulligan and last but not least the posted Combo.txt which has serval combos for dragonpriest.
After testing last season we got the highest rank (rank 4 for serval people) with a secretpaladin.
Although i dont agree with you, atm iam getting very high scores with
this warlock zoo and Oak's mulligan, aswell as with
this mech warrior ofc aslo woth Oak's mulligan.
Both decks wont work without the custom mulligan so that might be a reason for the lost games.