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I mixed Emilcoff's and Blackoak's deck rules for the secret paladin deck, does this work? Or will the first rules will override the class rules? Quote: // ============================================== // P A L A D I N // == Secret Paladin == // vs All // 1 x Knife Juggler (NEW1_019) hold;pala;all;NEW1_019:1 // 1 x Noble Sacrifice (EX1_130) + Secretkeeper (EX1_080) hold;pala;all;EX1_130:1:EX1_080 // 1 x Muster for Battle (GVG_061) hold;pala;all;GVG_061:1 // Secretkeeper (EX1_080) hold;pala;all;EX1_080 // Shielded Minibot (GVG_058) hold;pala;all;GVG_058
//vs lock consecration, secretkeeper, minibot hold;pala;warlock;CS2_093:1,EX1_080,GVG_058
//vs hunter consecration, secretkeeper, minibot hold;pala;hunter;CS2_093:1,EX1_080,GVG_058
//vs pala consecration, secretkeeper, minibot hold;pala;pala;CS2_093:1,EX1_080,GVG_058
//vs warrior secretkeeper, minibot, knifejuggler hold;pala;warrior;EX1_080,GVG_058,NEW1_019
//vs mage secretkeeper, minibot, knifejuggler hold;pala;mage;EX1_080,GVG_058,NEW1_019
//vs druid secretkeeper, minibot, knifejuggler hold;pala;druid;EX1_080,GVG_058,NEW1_019
//vs thief secretkeeper, minibot, knifejuggler hold;pala;thief;EX1_080,GVG_058,NEW1_019
//vs priest secretkeeper, minibot, knifejuggler hold;pala;priest;EX1_080,GVG_058,NEW1_019
//vs shaman secretkeeper, minibot, knifejuggler hold;pala;shaman;EX1_080,GVG_058,NEW1_019
The combo section might need some other combos like Quote:Warrior Attack with Fiery War Axe a 4 health minion + Cruel Taskmaster (which the bot seems to do backwards) Shield Slam / Shield Maiden / Bash + Slam (dunno if the bot still uses slam without having armor, it used to do it) Cruel Taskmaster + Execute Bash + Execute Slam + Execute Quote:Warlock Minion + Power Overwhelming + Shadowflame (zoo) Quote:Mage Flamewaker + Spare Parts / Arcane missiles / Mirror Image (dunno if the bot already does it, haven't tried it)