Good day fellow boters, i came to enrich a bit these forums with my experience, first off i'd like to thank Yoin for giving me the stepping stones in starting up such a passion for boting.
First off, a Mage, yes a bloody mage.... why a mage? well the damn thing just cant fuck up with a point and click.... army logic right there...
So what's the idea here. well Slap a deck together make it run record the progress.
AI used Started out with Yoin's control rules then augmented them myself a bit but they are all too slow..... hey maybe my pc is bad (yes it is......) but i just couldn't wait almost till the end of the turn every time... so i did a concesion..
SILVERFISH!, Silver AI updated external process wiuth it's own external window playing. Instant decisions. Good enough....
The mudafff Deck
In case you have trouble or the picture won't display here they are again in text format.
- Argent Squire
- Frostbolt x2
- Acidic Swamp Ooze (this guy caught the Ashbringer on one occasion... so much for legendary weapon)
- Amani Berserker x2 (Mage hat trick, ping and bayum did someone order a Magma Rager?)
- Haunted Creeper x2 (He's creepy what more do you need to know)
- Nerubian Egg x2 (Synergies with the Sun Cleric but most of the time the enemy can't help himself from popping it)
- Acolyte of Pain (Mage hat trick again... zing cards)
- Havest Golem x2
- Shattered Sun Cleric x2
- Fireball x2
- Polymorph x2
- Gnomish Inventor
- Water Elemental x2
- Loatheb (man this guy on turn 5-7 locks down the board, especially agaisnt Priest or Mage)
- Silver Hand Knight
- Sludge Belcher x2
- Boulderfist Ogre
- Toshley (Toshley's just an Ogre with one less hp and two small parts cards draw, you einth missing much)
- Flamestrike x2 (Bot makes good use of it when he falls behind, it's quite good)
There it is, early mana curve that packs a bit of a punch in end game. Amani Beserkers for the mage trick, Haunted Creepers and Nerubian Eggs and Harvest Golems for the stickiness, Toping these badboys with some SludgeBelchers and birnging it home with Loatheb. Ogre (Toshley's literally an ogre.... i just got lucky and got him off a pack)
Them Stats Now then, here's the nitty gritty, the deck has ben slowly modified but it's in this version for the last 3 days.
It plays on rank 20, Autoconcedes on 19.
hearthranger is notoriously crap at keeping the stats so i had to manually take them one by one in excel.
Has been playing around 40-50 games a day, Total numbers 143 Games 3 days
Calculated winrate for each day hovers at 89% like clockwork, i'd love to say 90, but it's 89...

What can i say..... things be awesome.... how can i make it better? i have no idea butt will try... i'm really scared that anything i change will make it worse
Well, cheers