Hey guys, just thought I'd try and help the community out by sharing whats working for me.
This is currently getting me a 47.2% winrate in ranked using all basic cards (since saving up gold for adventures and all). Its pretty decent for farming wins for your gold portrait and gold cards.
It's normally around rank 14-17 however if you don't care about rankings than you can use the auto-concede at 20 option for faster botting (which I can't see the point off since you're going to reach the daily limit when botting no matter what).
I did half the games with yoins control rules and half with default and they seem about even with this deck in w/l.
The deck:
2 Arcane missile
2 Frostbolt
2 Acidic Swamp Ooze
2 Bloodfen Raptor
1 Ironfur Grizzly
2 Razorfen Hunter
2 Shattered Sun Cleric
1 Wolfrider
2 Fireball
2 Polymorph
2 Chillwind yeti
1 Gnomish Inventor
1 Senjin Shieldmasta
2 Water elemental
1 Gurubashi berserker
2 Boulderfist Ogre
2 Flamestrike
1 Stormwind Champion
Settings: Yoins/Default rules, Max calculate settings (80,000 and 1000) and ranked. Auto concede at level 20 is optional if you can't keep the bot open all day for some reason and need faster botting.
Deck statistics:
Hope this works out as well for you as it did for me ^.^