I agree with trading the 4/2 with the 4/6 in most cases.
Please don't take this personal!I'm trying to tell you 2 different things:
Your topic title is "incorrect usage of Holy Nova (HN)" and you said in your first post that the bot should have used HN before attacking.
But your problem is "incorrect minion" trading, which has nothing to do with the order of playing HN and attacking.
In this case attacking the 2/2 was the worst choice.
If your suggestion to use HN first would be implemented it will cause a lot of problems because it's not that simple at all.
There are a lot of exceptions to consider and other ppl (like me ;) ) will complain because the bot does not act the way they think it would be best.
e.g.: When to use HN first and what to attack with enemy secrets?
(for easier identification of the minions I ignore that HN deals 2 dmg to the 4/6 making it a 4/4 and heals 2 hp to your minion making it a 4/4 as well)
vs Mage: HN first, different attack target
- duplicate: play HN first then attack 4/6 to clear the board. This gives your opponent 2x 2/2 instead of 2x 4/6 (depends on oponent card play order)
- counterspell: play HN fist then attack hero (he trades his 2/2 with your 4/2 anyway)
- any other: play HN first then attack 4/6 to clear the board
vs Hunter: order depends, target always 4/6
- explosive trap: HN first, then attack 4/6 or your 4/2 dies
- snake trap: first attack 4/6 then HN for board clear
- snipe: order does not matter, trade 4/2 with 4/6 and play HN to clear the board
- freezing trap: attack the 4/6 and get minion back to hand. Using HN to clear off a 2/2 is quite desperate, so don't use it.
vs Paladin: order dependend, always attack 4/6
- noble sacrafice: HN first, then attack 4/6 resulting in a 4/4 for the oponent and a 4/2 for you
- avenge: attack 4/2 into 4/6 and play HN or your opponent has a unkillable 7/8
- redemption: HN first, then attack 4/6 resulting in a 2/1 for the opponent
The guy implementing HN first has to consider at least all these cases and I don't belive that the default AI stores knowledge of enemy secrets over multiple turns (making it impossible to implement).
You said use HN first -> I agree if the 2/2 has taunt. Without taunt and secrets, attacking the 4/6 and playing HN will clear the board in any order. No need to play HN first.
Thus, no need to change the play order and fix calculation of attack targets instead. ;)