Q: How is int index of BotAction counted? What is the base value?
Q: Questions about Entity class:
How is int EntityId counted? Does it depend on the draworder or the playorder?
What is List<Entity> Attachments used for? Is it for auras? How is the reference resolved? Is it bidirectional?
What is bool IsElite mean and what is it used for?
What happens to an Entity when it is silenced?
Q: When is BotBase.updateGameState called?
Q: Can I see the cards played by the enemy?
If so, can I see targets of battlecries, too?
e.g.: Enemy plays Shattered Sun Cleric and buffes minion. How is this resolved by the bot engine?
What is the Entity representation of the buffed minion?
Q: OnQueryBestMove can "return" a list of actions. When OnQueryBestMove is recalled due to state changes before all actions are performed, does the new call contain this list or is it a new empty list?