First i would absolutely love to say how great of a bot this is i use it on my laptop and it runs flawlessly i showed my brother it and he instantly wanted it.
Now i have been having a bit of trouble with the bot throughout the past couple updates.
when my brother sets all the options and everything up correctly he makes it an identical clone of the bot that is on my laptop the bot just acts all weird the same has started happening to me.
im rather experienced with this bot and i know it generally goes for mana effectiveness however on round 6 it will have 0 minions on board 4 in hand his turn comes up he uses his hero ability and attacks what is necessary the ends the turn.
i watch this bot play A LOT because i find it interesting and it just absolutely wow's me the bots understanding of the cards is just absolutely insane. i have seen some crazy plays but that is besides the point
However i would love to know what i am doing wrong i have now tried to move the bot from my laptop to my PC so i can play the laptop because it is alot better than my PC(also need it for school)
I also believe the same problem that is causing this is the problem that my brother is having on his computer we both have weird acting bots on our PC's
since i have scavenged this forum i havnt found any solutions or problems that sound like mine i figure i would try to point out some things
I run a druid deck
Cards generally will not be played properly if at all(1 drops are generally played ASAP)
seems like the bot just loves the class hero abillity(doenst even need to use the rest of his mana to back that skill up) Regardless of class
i PLAY IN Windowed mode with sound off
i discovered this problem the past 4-5 days
i use no card rules
Edit: When the bot acts weird it will not mulligan
I would like to know how you guys set your bots up, what resolution, how much ram do u have? has any funky things happened within the past 3-4 updates?, what quality, what cards?, Sound? do u use card rules?
Or if the admin knows the solution of my problem i can stop playing detective.