Mortal Coil*2
Power Overwhelming*1
Abusive Sergeant*2
Flame Imp*2
Grimscale Oracle*2
Murloc Tidecaller*2
Bluegill Warrior*2
Dire Wolf Alpha*1
Knife Juggler*2
Murloc Tidehunter*2
Coldlight Seer*2
Murloc Warleader*2
Defender of Argus*2
Old Murk-Eye*1
Leeroy Jenkins*1
Lord Jaraxxus*1
Rule fileThis deck has 44.12% victory ratio on 102 games (45 wins), in ranked play eu, rank 16.
Please note I was modifying rules during the first 15 games, and no auto-concede.
This deck can perform way better, as getting rank 10 with it can be achieved without much effort. The main problems are:
- In general, the bot attacks first then cast buffs. No matter if it's a Dire Wolf Alpha, a Grimscale Oracle or a Defender of Argus, the priority should be changed a bit.
- When the bot has lethal, it continues to cast spell, use hero power (life tap here), and deals with enemy board, before finishing opponent. It has already backfired quite a little. I've tried to improve this within the rules set, but it didn't change much with life-tap.
- Jarraxus is miss-used. I'm now running a test run with a Grimscale Oracle instead of him, to see if results are better.