Here are some bugs I have encountered in the first hour of testing!
1. Often it will select coin -> select other card -> select coin -> select other card -> select coin etc.
This happens with all spells that do not have a target. IE Coin, Bloodlust, etc.
Suggest slowing down the card movement, and placing the card in the center of the board.
2. The bot often forgets that minions need 1 turn before attacking.
Also forgets when a minion already attacked that turn.
3. The bot often attempts to life-tap twice in one turn.
4. minions with a Battlecry that requires a second click (A buff, a charge, etc) (ie Elven Archer, WolfRider) are selected/deselected before attacking. They are then placed again and the attack/buff works.
5. Sometimes the Hero (Warlock/Mage etc) portrait is selected to make an attack with no weapon.
6. Generally lots of times the bot will try to click/drag a card but will do nothing. Will do this over and over like the coin. but the coin is almost every time.
When there are many minions out or cards in hand, bot freezes in a loop:
xxxxxxx AM:INFO::botplayer is working..
xxxxxxx AM:INFO::TransitStateMachineFromIdle
xxxxxxx AM:INFO::TransitStateMachineFromPlayInGame
xxxxxxx AM:INFO::botplayer is working..