Hello so at first as mentioned, game needs to be updated everytime i close it and the bot, but it's quite quick so not a big matter here
However, the bot feels silly as socks :D once it soulfired his 1/2, then ended turn and let enemy finish, instead of soulfiring his 3hp face, and it's AI is overally not so excellent but i could live with that since i use it just to grind XP on hero's i don't enjoy playin ^^
Then please, as flamestrike is already set-up to be cast on only certain situations, could you set-up all "fireflamestrikelike" cards so they work as intended and are cast in good moments ? cause i have no clue how to do so, so if you could release a pack with already set-up stuff that'd be awsum
Also, can this get me banned?
And as last notion, please give some decks that are able to at least win sometimes at rank20, i don't expect the bot to climb ladder, but i would like it to boost towards golden heroes, so 49% winrate would be completely enough, and since i don't understand the bot coding, you could 100% sure make a better deck for everyclass, because the published ones are... meh :P
Edit: TLDR: improve A.I.
+Idea: try to make it play around concecration/holy novas/flamestrikes etc. etc. ? dunno if possible but for example if against paladin, try to keep minions above 3hp and rather sacrifice the ones with 2hp instead of doing favorable trades
Edit 2: Make it play faster maybe ? it runs out of time pretty frequently and misses free damage, i mean, it's a bot, the math is instant isn't it huh ? :D