To edit it use any text editor i prefer NotePad++ as it handles languange structures so you can see simple mistakes in your JSON files.
That information can be found here:
How to set up A.I.Ive updated my post to include the folder structure :)
and this is my current deck_config.ini
;left is your deck name, right is the config folder
deathknight = default
UnholyDK = OJ_DK_Unholy_Aggro
uuu-death-knight = OJ_DK_Unholy_Aggro
DemonHunter = B1337_Aggro
Pirate_Demon_Hunter_Wild = BO1337_DH_Pirate
AggroDruidW = OJ_Druid_Aggro
;HUNTER [Control]
Hunter = B1337_Aggro
;MAGE [Control]
Mage = B1337_Control
SecretMage = OJ_Mage_Secret
Elemental_Mage = BO1337_Mage_Elemental
Elemental_Mage_2 = BO1337_Mage_Elemental
Elemental_Mage_3 = BO1337_Mage_Elemental
Elemental_Mage_4 = BO1337_Mage_Elemental
Elemental_Mage_W = BO1337_Mage_Elemental
Elemental_Mage_Top = BO1337_Mage_Elemental
;options@ aggro
;PALADIN [Control]
Paladin = B1337_Control
AggroPaladin = OJ_Paladin_Aggro
AggroPaladin2 = BO1337_Paladin_Aggro
;PRIEST [Control]
Priest = B1337_Control
;ROGUES [Aggro]
rogue = B1337_Aggro
PirateRogue = wild_rogue_onepiece3.0
CutlassRogue = wild_rogue_onepiece3.0
MechRogue = OJ_Rogue_Tempo
;WARLOCK [Aggro]
Warlock = B1337_Aggro
Sludge_Warlock = BO1337_Warlock_Sludge
;sludge_warlock2 = OJ_Warlock_Sludge
;sludge_warlock3 = OJ_Warlock_Sludge
;WARRIOR [Control]
Warrior = B1337_Control
;left is your deck name, right is the config directory name.
;my_warrior_deck = warrior_pirate ;my warrior deck uses warrior pirate, it's a pirate deck.
;or you can use class name to specify config directory.
;warrior = my_warrior_config ;all warrior decks use [my_warrior_config]
;mage = your_config_dir;
;hunter = your_config_dir;
;bot will always load all default config json files.
;if custom directory is specified,
;then bot will load all json config files under custom dir to overwrite the corresponding default json file configs.
;if no deck name matches config items, then bot will use default directory.
;arena deck name is "Arena Deck";
;tarven brawl deck name is "Brawl Deck".
as a guide only!
I hope this helps a bit :)