Hello Joy! I was using the bot for 3 days and now, for no apparent reason, I can't connect to the bot's server. I was using normally for the last 3 days.
What is happening, is this some kind of conection problem with your server? Could you please take a look on it please? It's important, i need to know if i have to open any ports on my router or something like it.
Want to buy a license but need to fix this first.
Seen like my Ip has been blocked by you guys or by your server, i don't know, there's no sense on that, i was connected on the first two days but now i cant, could you guys please check it for me please? See if my ip has been blocked, because this is the only possible reason to it.
Seen like that i can connect on the binding server but not on the bot server, my minutes count even if i got the error to connect on the bot server.
i've reinstall the bot, but nothing changes
EDIT: even with VPN the bot isn't working anymore.
- i've reinstalled my entire operational system (windows)
- My firewall is disabled
- i'm not using antivirus right now
- With the VPN and without the VPN i have the same problem
- was working 2 days ago with the VPN, not anymore.
- i've reinstalled the BOT too
Please admin, help here.
Thank you