I've been using this bot since 2017 and have found that Wild Secret Mage decks are consistently successful. This particular deck is also incredibly cost-effective, requiring only 1060 dust to craft. Due to the bot's focus on powerful secrets, no additional configurations are necessary. Every season, I use this deck to quickly climb to high diamond ranks, and then finish the grind to legend manually. This deck has a very high win rate and minimizes the risk of misplays, as it is straightforward to play. I'd be very grateful if you could provide me with some feedback on this deck. I will keep this post updated if I make any changes to my deck in the future.
Here is a proof of my 73% win rate from Bronze 10 to Diamond 5 https://ibb.co/cTpBdbzHere is the link to the decklist https://prnt.sc/q2oOcDeGSxXGAddition from Baba420:Here is my config that got me to Legend:
Concede settings:
- opp has lethal
- will obviously lose
- lasts over 30 mins
Proof: 54% winrate from D5 to Legend:
Good luck and enjoy!
### secre2
# Klasse: Magier
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Lakai der Kabale
# 2x (2) Anonyme Informantin
# 2x (2) Arkanologin
# 2x (2) Irrer Wissenschaftler
# 2x (2) Medivhs Kammerdiener
# 2x (2) Mythische Mysterien
# 1x (3) Arkane Intelligenz
# 2x (3) Einspruch!
# 1x (3) Explosive Runen
# 1x (3) Gegenzauber
# 2x (3) Jahrmarktbetrug
# 1x (3) Magierin der Kirin Tor
# 2x (3) Netherwindportal
# 2x (4) Redselige Barkeeperin
# 2x (5) Wolkenprinz
# 2x (6) Kabalekristallkurierin
# 2x (6) Vertragbeschwörer
# Um dieses Deck zu verwenden, kopiert es in Eure Zwischenablage und erstellt ein neues Deck in Hearthstone.