I just got my hands on a license yesterday, but im having a bit off trouble when it comes to arena.
Everything is working fine at the start, the bot choses hero, picks the deck and start the queue.
When i get into the game the bot proceeds to mulligan and playing turns just as it should.
When i get around to turn 3-4 it stops playing cards. It looks at the cards in hand and dont make a move until i rope and the turn ends.
While this is happening, the bot description constantly spams "transitstatemachinefromidle"
I tried changing resolution, i tried restarting and switching up the window size.
From what ive noticed in the forums the bot can sometimes do this when there has been a new update, is this the case or is something just wrong?
Edit: I've been doing some more texting - Seems like its working better now although this problem is still occuring every now and again,
Now im having trouble with this error - no local mulligan settings ! use server mulligan. Basicly my bot wont do anything after it mulligans cards in the beginning.