fireplace;61475 wrote:Bot is working fine - usually gets me to Diamond 5. Admin does an excellent job keeping it updated too.
Amount of posts in the forum is very low.
Is it? I've had massive problems with the new "supported" cards, not being supported, or completely misunderstood/ignored by the bot. I've had a chance to test aggro/default AI, and also had massive problems with tempo swings/combos, especially on druid/shaman/mage, where obvious combo's are completely missed. I tested with a decent, 60% diamond deck and watched it fall to silver 2 overnight. Granted, this is after a few days of tinkering with it, switching and learning myself on assigning deck roles (aggro/default) to custom decks, and trying various modes.
Unfortunately, I suspect the bot needs custom configuration's for just about everything, similar to the old y2djsp and yamb bots for diablo 2, some 20 years ago. If so, that presents a problem for the uninitiated or time-constrained, as there's next to no effort on keeping a records/working links on previous setups here, nor any easily found tutorial (a fucking fantastic idea some time ago, would have been a easy config editor program to accompany the bot).
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do see massive and multiple baseline operational problems all-over out-of-the-box, requiring you to stick with aggro "stupid" decks for the most part, and refrain from adding a good bit of the current gen of cards, in order to keep a 50% winrate in silver.