kratoscoc;56499 wrote:Really Thanks bro. I adjusted the mulligan to have Hench-Clan Thug that in my opinion is one of the win condition of this deck.
Is there a way to force bot to play T2 Hero Power always and to not attack if Hench-Clan Thug is in hand?
Is there a way to force bot to play T3 Hench-Clan Thug if in hand ?
The change of mulligan is to your liking, it is set if you already have costs 1, the reason is that odd rogue needs control of table to be able to play powerful cards like Vicious Fledgling or Hench-Clan.
Try it and tell me.
In counting to raise the value to always force play a card is not a correct strategy, because if you do that the bot will always make the move.
Regardless of whether your opponent can kill your hed very easily by the situation of the game .
From my point of view it is the bot who must read those situations and make the optimal move.
If you want to raise the value of playing a card you can add this in the card configuration:
the first part raises the value of the card to play it from hand and the second determines that you must play it before attacking
"GameCardId": "GIL_534",
"ConfigComment": "Hench-Clan Thug",
"comment":"Play this card first!",
"condition": "my_hero(count(),mana => 3 )> 0 ",
"comment":"Play this before attacking with hero",
"condition": "my_hero(count(), tired = true) > 0",