Very rough first config.
It uses the Val'anyr version of the deck.
It correctly recognizes paladin 1 mana hero power.
Didn't create config for all cards yet, or combo (equality + conc, or hero power + tarim, etc)
Use in casual and report misplays. I only tested it a few games today since i already reached 100 gold cap. So far, it is 17-0 in my test, but still lots of misplays.
Even Paladin 0.3 - 5/16/2018
0.3 - Improved Knife Juggler Logic (Thanks, Ailma)
Greatly improved Mulligan Rules
Greatly boosted value of coin to test for counterspell vs mage before playing Call to Arms
Improved Consecration values vs many low health minions
0.2 - Tweaked a few values (coin, knife juggler, consecrate)
0.1 - Initial release
Things that definitely need work so far:
0. Hero power might need slight adjustment, when going second, bot will often coin + 2 drop, instead of hero power. Maybe fine in some cases, i haven't played even paladin enough to know for sure. It can also give some negative value to 2 drops on turn 1 instead. Maybe just give knife juggler more priority vs other drops?
1. Adjust priority and playability of Knife Juggler
2. Adjust values for Truesilver and Val'anyr
3. Play around with value for consecrate (it seems bot doesnt like to play consecrate even if there is < 2 minions with >=2 health. *Edit: created file for consecrate, maybe it will help*
If you see anything wrong with the bonuses i adjusted (maybe used wrong key word?) let me know. It is my first config.