- -These decks will likely change within the week, so take this list with a grain of salt.
- -This list contains win percentages. They are averaged total percentages over number of plays over all ranks. They do not represent absolute win rates at any rank.
- -These decks are guaranteed to win. These decks are guaranteed to lose. That's the nature of the game. The purpose of listing them here is as a reference for anyone who has not/will not/can not compile a list of their own.
- -Don't expect great performance out of any of these decks without either custom configs or Hearthranger AI changes. Except the aggro decks. Those will likely do well.
- -One deck per class. I've chosen the highest performing deck list for each.
- -Sources: Hearthpwn.com Metastats.net Hearthstonetopdecks.com Why have I chosen to aggregate a list from these sources? Because they all source from public data and augment their stats with algorithms in an attempt to remove outliers and fluke decks. It's not perfect. No list sites are. Don't like my sources, list your own and suggest a tier list like this.
- 64% - Even Paladin: AAECAZ8FBPQFucEC2ccCzfQCDdMB+wHcA/IF2QeNCLEIiMcC+NICieYC6uYCt+cC4fACAA==
- 62% - Spiteful Druid: AAECAZICBq8ErMICyssCmdMCnOIC0OcCDN4F8gWXwQLrwgKbywKHzgKR0ALR4QKL5QL55gLX6wKL7gIA
- 57.8% - Spiteful Priest: AAECAa0GCJAC8gWKB5vCAqbOAujQAo7uAonxAgsI4QSNCPIM3MECysMCmcgCyssCzswCy+YC1+sCAA==
- 57.5% - Tempo Rogue: AAECAaIHBLICrwTP4QKc4gINtAGMAu0C1AXyBd0IgcIC68ICysMCm8sCyssC2+MCpu8CAA==
- 56.5% - Spell Hunter: AAECAR8E7Qbp0gKG0wLc7gINjQGoArUDhwTJBJcI2wn+DN3SAt/SAuPSAuHjAurjAgA=
- 56.4% - Aggro Mage: AAECAf0EBk1xvAi/CKLTAu7TAgy7ApUDqwS0BOYElgXsBfoFwcECmMQCj9MCwvMCAA==
- 56.2% - Taunt Warrior: AAECAQcGkQb7DNPDAtPFAsLOAsrnAgxL/weyCJvCAsrDAsnHApvLAszNAs/nAqrsApvzAsXzAgA=
- 45% - Shudderwock Shaman: AAECAaoIBu4B7QX7DJPBAqvnAu/3AgyKAYEE9QT+BcfBAsnHApvLArbNAvPnAuDqAp7wAu/xAgA=
My take:
I can't create all these decks, so until I amass the cards or another 55k dust, I can only comment personally on every deck but Shaman, Warlock, and Warrior.
That being said, Even Paladin wrecks with Misused's Odd Paladin custom config. Yeah, wrong deck for the config, it should be misplaying all over the place, but Even Paladin is almost impossible to misplay. That's why it's so high on the list. Everyone from casual whales to pro ladder climbers are finding great success with the deck. It's almost as though if the match-up is anything else than another Paladin or Warlock you're likely going to win.
However, all the decks (not you Shaman) see greater than 55% winrates right now. That's really balanced. Way more balanced than I've ever seen HS be since I started playing. I need to take a moment to comment on that, because that's incredibly hard to do. Of course, in a week or a month from now, or when a new nerf/buff patch hits, that balance might be thrown out of whack again, but for right now shed your tears for Shaman and enjoy dat balance.
Yeah, Shaman got the shaft, a huge pointed shaft that's more like a spear to through the heart, but I think that has more to do with Sudderwock and its win condition than it's card library. Shudderwock is Shaman's most powerful play with the way its other mainstays have rotated out, but you only get one shot at pulling it off. If you fail, you can't recover. If you don't pull the cards, you can't recover. If you are limited to top-decking...you get the gist. Shaman lost Evolve and Devolve, it just has nothing else left to fight back with. But, as ultimately broken I see Shaman right now, I more expect the other deck to suffer collective nerfs than I do to see Shaman get buffed. We'll see. But, for now, don't waste your dust on Thrall.
TL:DR; Paladin is the standout star. Go even. Go odd. Doesn't really matter, just don't go murloc you sick sonofa- Everyone else is a solid middle of the pack and should be fun to play, so play your favorites and have fun. Except Shaman. Light a candle for Thrall and wait for his resurrection in the next balance patch.
Decks likely to be moddable for Hearthranger and great success: Any paladin (aggro variants like this one), Spiteful Druid, Zoolock (if you can get Echo down), Aggro Mage.
Decks likely to be serviceable: Zoolock, Spiteful Priest, Tempo Rogue, Spell Hunter, Taunt Warrior. These decks require synergy and combos to shine. Not impossible, Ljac did a really great job balancing that before WW was released. It'll take some genius to see it again.
Decks likely to end up in the Recycle Bin: Shaman anything. Poor guy.