Die Vision A.I. is a TransitStateMaschine.
It's only so good as your config.
The Enemies in Rank5-1+Legends are better than a TransitStateMaschine.
So you need not only a Tier1 Deck. You need an A.I. how is better then R1 Players.
An A.I. how knows decks and wainting for specific cards to play others.
An self learning A.I. (NN or genetic algorithm) is much more complex as and TranisitStateMaschine.
On the Other Hand the meta chances so fast, that the NN needs training data from outside.
The improvement between this two methodes is very high but the most people here want only the first.
Nobody here needs an bot for Rank5 to Legend.
The most of us farming daily quests, hit 500wins or something like that.
You can hit this Rank by yourself, that makes much more fun.
I think to write a config how is strong enough to reach R1 is possible, but if you can write this config you know
so mutch about this game, then you can hit Legend ez. And this config is very fast out of date.
imho as
computer scientist