Wednesday13;56460 wrote:I've been letting the bot run for 7 hurs per day and it's stuck at rank 15, with 14 max rank.
How the hell are you guys getting rank 5? I'm using EXACTLY the config given here, with also de System config for threads and cores.
It's literally impossible to climb.
Hello ,
from my own experience, the bot comments too many logic errors, regardless of the decks that are used.
I have tried with Paladin Murloc, Odd Paladin, spitefull and tempo Mage.
Each time the presume and combo files matter but they do not seem to work in this bot.
All the combos are easy to define creating rules for each card and modifying the value of the plays. I did this in my version of spitefull, the result is that the bot tends to make those plays (the json files force those moves) independently of the situation of the game. So in the end you get a bot that plays only by curve and value, without attending to the priority of cards and combos or one that repeats the moves without any other conditioning. To this day, differently from the era of pirates, zoolocks or shaman aggro is not enough to scale ranks, since the rival decks or their own need to maximize the synergies of the cards to achieve a good winning ratio.
If you want to collaborate, you can report the errors that you see in the bot if you check the lost games and the configuration in the post creators of each deck.
How many more people collaborate, better and faster we will get results.
Greetings from EU.
Excuse my poor English level.