WinXP;55963 wrote:If so, then who's updating it?
As so far as I know, JoyAdmin already made the update so that HR can run WitchWood cards.
I haven't seen an A.I updated before either, so it begs the question as to whether it's the AI or config issue.
The configs dictate the logic behind the bot's actions. Subsequently, a deck with more config files would most likely perform better than a deck running the [default] config.
Currently, there are no HR decks that can rank up past rank 7. I was asking if misused would/could update them to make them perform better.
Scott has left the botting scene, Botwhat is currently on break, and we haven't heard from Ljac since the update.
Spyscouter has made a spiteful Druid deck, and Jason z has made some wild decks.
Currently, misused decks are the best ones. However, compared to the efficiency of other decks in previous expansions, they aren't doing amazing.
My question is: is this it? Is this the peak of this expansion?
It's the first 2 weeks of the expansion. Joy's numbers still aren't what they're supposed to be.
As for the more general question: It's not looking great for decks. The bot thrives on super aggro hyper meta decks. So let's discuss the meta:
For references, I will be using HSReplay and DisguisedToast's meta rankings.
According to these sites, the top meta decks are as follows:
- Even Paladin, Murloc Paladin, Spiteful Druid, and Odd Paladin
However, there are some close contenders for top meta decks that are also considered meta:
- Cubelock, Zoolock, Quest Rogue, Odd Rogue, Quest Warrior.
Now that we've established the meta, let's discuss where our deck fits into the meta. Our deck, for this sake, is Odd Dude Paladin. How does Odd Dude Paladin face against these decks?
Even Paladin: Most Paladin v Paladin games are a 50/50
Murloc Paladin: Most Paladin v Paladin games are a 50/50
Odd Paladin: Most Paladin v Paladin games are a 50/50
Good talk. Lets get into the more interesting ones:
- Cubelock: Control Heavy Deck. Paladin gets slaughtered against this.
- Zoolock: Control Heavy Deck again. Slaughted.
- Spiteful Druid: Terrible.
- Rogues: Amazing. Paladin slaughters rogues.
- Warriors: Get fucked kid.
So we only beat Rogues and it's a toss up with Paladins. This deck isn't too good in a control based meta. These decks also get hard for the bot to understand. For example, Cubelock doesn't run well because of the multi-stepped plays you have to take.
It's not the peak of the meta. It's a hard meta to fight in. Lets hope Joy can improve the bot over time.