misused;55577 wrote:Got any examples of decks? Any metabomb/hearthpwn links to examples that you're looking into?
I've loosely based my own deck on this one.
The combos involved are
1) playing archmage arugal and making sure its on the field before playing book of specters (duplicates minions gained by book)
2) playing book of specters only if you have 2-6 hand space free, more is better
3) play leyline manipulators only if book of specters has just been played (reduces cost of some of the cards)
4) play frost Lich Jaina as fast as possible
5) playing elemental combos in order (making sure that elementals are played so next round a servant of kalimos/ whatever elemental combo can be executed)
6) play ancient artificiers only when you need them, or you have high cost spells (firestrike, maybe polymorph) to give you armor (they give armor based on the cost of the spells in your hand)
Another question, because my deck isn't an exact copy of this one, how would that affect any combos. I have the main combo cards, but am lacking particular cards like pyros and frost lich Jaina. Would I then have to go in and change the config to match my deck? what is the process for this.
If anyone is interested, i use the following deck (i made Jaina)
On a decent win streak so far, it has crazy sustain with the lifesteal, great damage, and seems very well rounded
hearthstone code: