I just started using HR for Mercenaries.
It works quite well, but I still have a few questions:
1. When I open the task editor and switch to the Mercenaries tab, I see my Mercenaries in the left list field. I have already activated the green ones, but not the white ones yet. That's how I understood it.
Here is my question:
If I want to put together a specific team, I mark the 6 (green) Mercenaries and the bot forms a team from the 6 right?
If I now want to farm a white one, do I have to mark the white one and the bot looks for the bounties where it gets the tokens?
2. If I don't mark a bounty or a mercenary, will the bot look for its team and any bounty? What criteria does he use to select the Mercenaries and the Bounties?
3. A team of 6 Mercenaries consists of a field team of 3 characters and a bench of 3 characters.
Can I somehow tell the bot which 3 I want to send into the field first and which should sit on the bench? If yes, how do i do that?
Thank you for your answers and Happy New Year!