I made my fist config but its not doing what i want. Im having some issues with how to write the parameters and what parameters to use.
Problems- Bot prioritise opponent hero instead of clearing minions with heroweapon
- Bot fills the board with minions even if opponent cant respond and seems to be waiting for clearing spells like flamestrike
In this one i tried making my hero only attack minion if its health and attack was equal or less than my heroweapon, but the bot gives me an error
"condition": "my_target(count(), minion=true)>0 AND my_target(count(), health <=my_heroweapon(count(),attack)) AND my_target(count(), attack <= my_heroweapon(count(),attack))",
Im trying to limit the amount of minions the bot plays to avoid loosing all minions if enemy use spells like flamestrike to wipe my board, but i dont know what conditions and parameters to use and where to put them
Maybe something like
Quote:"condition": "my_minions(count()) >=4 AND opp_minions(count(() <4",
Maybe theres a better solution that i havent thought about or some other way to write this, any help is much appreciated