Hello everyone !
I have currently the same problem.
So I decided to reinstall totally the bot.
But the problem evolves.
Now when I run the bot in casual mode as daily quest deck, the bot play turn one and remains stuck from that moment.
The bot cycle after VICPU_CLUSTER_END because the TransitStateMachineFromPlayInGame do not run correctly, no action is made on the board at all.
So it start calculating again and again until the rope.
Do you know from were the problem could from ?
Thanks for your help
I have now more informations on what really happen during automatisation.
After playing normally at turn 1, the bot don't end the turn. And try to replay the turn until the rope.
And when the turn 2 arrive and all others one, it don't update the hand and still believe it's turn 1, and it try to make the turn 1 play forever without success.
I have this problem with all my wild decks.
I tried different investigations but stopping and starting again the bot is not working at any turn of the game, before i can stop/start without a problem.
Now stopping the bot freeze it and I can't starting it again.
At he beginning I though it was a bug relative to the coin but not, this problem occured with all decks with or without the coin.
Just found the problem, the origin is in Bot control option panel like said above. If you change parameters you can broke the bot.
I didn't test which parameters is.