With the new expansion about to come out, I think something needs to be done with the bot and how it treats "random" effects.
The ordering of how the bot trades is weird, where it doesn't take into account the random effect but rather makes its attack first then readjusts later.
I think the bot should have a "RNG" flag on cards with random effects, and let them be played FIRST. For example, card draw such as arcane intellect, drawing hero powers such as warlock life tap, deathrattle effects like loot hoarder, discover cards, etc. Let the bot prioritize playing these cards first, then recalculate afterwards, allowing for a better turn. Things like drawing before playing twilight drake, and other misplays would be easily fixed with this flag or tag on the cards.
A prime example is knife juggler, where the bot assumes every dagger will hit the minion, so it attacks and trades first instead of finding out where the juggles are going to go.