Since Even paladin has been nerfed, next up here's Odd Paladin.
This version is different from misused's config
- substitute 2x tar creeper for 2x stonehill defender
This deck relies on having a wide board due to hero power and other cards. There is a huge chance to discover useful minions (hi, Tarim) to help our cause.
Tarim can buff our minions, and also negate big enemy minions, which this deck lacks.
-substitite Leeroy and 1x Blessings for 2x Corridor Creeper
Same as above, we want corridor in our hand as soon as possible to start discounting it and dropping it on the board. This makes the deck a bit more resilent and midrange/value compared to rush/aggro
Alot of the settings have been taken from misused's settings, however some values were adjusted, and there some additional config files (such as Stonehill Defender discover priority, based on hsreplay data)
You can find the deck here.
Odd Paladin 1.0 -
Let me know how it does for you. Post stats.
If you want to turn up the memes to the maximum, you can also include Prince Liam. It's acutally a decent card since you can play it late game, and potentially eliminate bad 1 drop draws (and draw legendaries instead)