Hello Joy,
I have tried to try a druid tokens but I continually deal with this error:
20:48:37:ERROR::d9f28b7e-6591-4710-b7f2-f505f4fc29ab - id=2 Referencia a objeto no establecida como instancia de un objeto.
20:51:53:ERROR::62d82fa9-d275-41b4-a844-eb81a132951d - Referencia a objeto no establecida como instancia de un objeto.
20:53:51:ERROR::ba7419e3-9c51-4cc6-afb3-8c8675cd0122 - No se puede convertir un objeto de tipo '' al tipo ''.
20:53:51:ERROR:: stack trace - en visionai.logic.TargetLogic.(GameContext , Player , )
en .( , GameContext , Player , ICollection`1 )
en .(GameContext , Player )
en visionai.logic.GameLogic.(Int32 )
en .(GameContext )
en .( )
en .get_ContextValue()
en .(CoreData , Int32 , , TaskTraceLog )
en .(CoreData , TaskTraceLog )
en HsConsole.BoardSimulator.BoardSimulator.GetCardQueueAttack(List`1& v_node, ViCPUCrashCallBackDelegate crash_callback)
I've been watching the bot games against the innkeeper to prove where he could come from, but I do not know why.
I think something happens with the cards:
Branching Paths
Wispering Woods
but I do not have it clear. What happens is that the bot never solves the turn, simply stops and ends up closing the game.
could you help me?
Thx from EU